When you arrive to your appointment at the Rehab and Recover Clinic you will be welcomed by our Specialist Physio. You will sit down to explain your injury. Your Clinician may ask you a few questions to get a good understanding of what is wrong. Most importantly, we listen to you about you. Once the questions have been answered, you will then get assessed. 
For example, if you have hurt your knee you will be asked to go on the physio bed, bend and straighten your knee, your physio may then do some special tests to have an idea of what is wrong. You will then be given treatment and rehab. No fads. All evidence lead. We will explain why we think you are in pain and we will give you a rehab plan to do before your next booked session. If you have questions at the end we will make time to listen to these. Your session will last approx. 45min-1 hour. 
If you want to discuss your injury with us, contact us via contact@rehabandrecover.co.uk 
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