Shockwave Therapy: Introductory offers now available !!! 
Shockwave Therapy is a high powered treatment solution for pain. It is becoming one of the most commonly used treatments for: 
Achilles Tendinopathy 
Plantar Fasciitis / including heel spurs 
Tennis/Golfer’s Elbow 
Morton’ s Neuroma 
Rotator Cuff Tendinitis 
Hallux Rigidus 
Medial tibial stress syndrome (shin splints) 
Hand pain/Trigger finger 
Patellar tendinopathy 
Trochanteric Bursitis/Gluteal Tendinopathy 
It is recommended that 3-7 sessions are used to increase blood flow in the affected area, stimulate cellular renewal and repair, and reduce pain! 
You will be required to have a Physiotherapy Assessment (£60) in order to gain advice or exercise and also check you are suitable for Shockwave Therapy Treatment. 
At this point your Physio will guide you on how many sessions they think will be required and the following offers are available: 
Offer 1 - 3 sessions for £120 (Saving £60) 
Offer 2 - 5 sessions for £200 (Saving £100) 
Offer 3 - 7 sessions for £280 (Saving £140) 
The average charge for a Shockwave session is £60 per session…However, our introductory offer means you can have 3-7 sessions at an average cost of £40 per session. 
Please contact us for more details. Online booking available! 
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To enquire about a booking, feel free to email us 
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